



Writings and Illustrations

Amine El Bacha is a prolific writer of short stories, fiction, theatrical plays and critical essays. He is also the illustrator of an ever growing number of publications of all kinds, from newspaper and magazine columns to essays in specialised journals, poetical books and novels.

This page includes a selection of Amine El Bacha's various writings and books as well as some of his multiple illustrational works.

Amine ElBacha

Les Eluminures

Les Enluminures De Amine El Bacha
Click on the book cover to the left to read an extract in English.

Les Eluminures

Click on the book cover to the left to read an extract in Arabic and view a selection of El Bacha's artworks from the book.

The Nights Sun

The Night's Sun
The Al Arabi (Kuwait) Book for 2012 dedicated to the Writings of Amine El Bacha

Click on the book cover to the left to read an extract from this book.


Dakat Al Sa3a
Click on the book cover to the left to read an extract in Arabic.

English Translation - 'Who Chopped Van Gogh's Ear Off

Al Muntaher
Click on the book cover to the left to read an extract in Arabic.

English Translation of Act III - 'Suicidal'

Les Eluminures

Click on the book cover to the left to read an extract in Arabic.

English Translation of Scene One.
Les Eluminures Liban
Click on the book cover to the left to read an extract from this book.

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